Tuesday, February 1, 2011

"Thanks for all your support!" We at Specialized Home Design appreciate it.

     Hi, my name is Scott Anderle P.T.,C.A.P.S owner of Specialized Home Design, Inc.(SHD).  I wanted to thank all of you who have called and given my staff and I your thoughts and support as we continue to work towards our goals here at Specialized Home Design, Inc. I wanted to let you know about a few things that have changed since my last posting. First, the CHER (Comprehensive Home Evaluation Report) has continued to gain users around the country. Many centers from the National Centers for Independent Living (NCIL) and APRIL (Association of Programs for Rural Independent Living) have now begun signing up to use the CHER for their centers. We at SHD appreciate each and everyone of those using the CHER as a resource book or a reporting tool.
     SHD has picked up several new universities over the last month who are now using the CHER in their curriculums. They give the students projects in which they have to produce a home modification report using the web based tool. Each student has his or her account and will produce a full home or partial home report for their professor. We look forward to working with these students and their professors. Those of you who are interested please contact my office (616-887-8130) and talk with my staff.
     I have also begun working with universities via Skype to teach about universal and accessible home design. This is a new offering as well. I will be working with Wayne State University (Occupational Therapy Department) via Skype this spring. There are many exciting projects that we are working on with other universities.
     Approximately 2 weeks ago I flew to Dallas, TX to be video taped by HomeCEUConnection (a national online continuing education company). By the end of February or the beginning of March they will have all three of my one day seminars available online for those seeking CEUs. This is very exciting for us here at SHD, we will be able to have another avenue to talk about universal/accessible home design. Shortly this same offering will be available through Cross Country Education Inc. (CCE).  Currently I am doing 3 city tours for CCE, last week I was in AL, MS, and LA. I want to thank all those professionals for coming out and participating in my one day seminar on Speciality Products.
     In closing I wanted to mention that SHD is in the process of creating a new website and hope it will be one of the leading websites for universal and accessible home design. Stay tuned for more details! Thank you again for all your support. God Bless,
                                                               Scott Anderle


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