Hello All!
Well the end of the year is coming upon us fast and furious. We at Specialized Home Design have been working hard all year to bring you information on universal/accessible home design. I wanted to let you know that in 2011, my three one-day seminars are going to be going online as online continuing education courses. I have just finished breaking down all three into one hour seminars, which will be offered through Cross Country Education. We will keep you informed as to when this opportunity will be available. I will also be flying down to Texas in January 2011 and I will be having HomeCEUConnection.com video and audio taping myself. This will then be placed out for those of you to earn CEUs (continuing education units) through this company as well. I will continue to give live seminars next year as well all over the country.
I wanted to thank all of you for your support over the last year. You have encouraged me and inspired me to continue to work towards informing and educating as many professionals about universal and accessible home design. In the last 18 to 24 months, I have had the honor to speak to approximately 5000 professionals through my educational seminars. I look forward to continuing this endeavor.
A major decision was made this year to give the CHER® (Comprehensive Home Evaluation Report) product away for FREE for all users of it. I hope this will encourage and help those of you who wish to either generate a report for your clients or use it as a resource book on universal and accessible home design. I would ask all of you to tell your collegues and friends about the CHER®. I hope this product will help those with a disability, as they sit or lay in a hospital bed or at home so they to can empower themselves with the utilization of the CHER®.
Thanks again, Happy Holidays,
Scott Anderle P.T.,C.A.P.S.
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